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Picture Resizer 3.3.0

Picture Resizer Picture Resizer 3.3.0

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Picture Resizer Editor's Review

In our days using photos of different sizes is very common. You can use large sized photos if you keep them on your computer or on a disc but if you want to upload them onto a Web page you might have to shrink them. The most accessible program to help you is the Windows Paint but most users consider that to be difficult to use.

'Free Picture Resizer Personal', as the name suggests, its a resizing program and above all its free. It is easier to use than 'Paint' because it is structured on a wizard like interface and you can use batch processing mode. Unfortunately, this free version has many limitations so if you want to enjoy the full features of this program you have to update to professional which, of course, isn't free.

I mentioned above that it has a wizard like interface. This interface is structured into 6 steps. The first three steps are for the first three basic actions in any program like this. The first is for choosing the type of the process: multiple or single image resize. The second and the third is for selecting the input folder a and the output one. The fourth step is the one where you are supposed to do the settings. It the free version they are very scarce. Besides of the resizing percentage and the smaller limit you can't do anything else. In the fifth step you have to confirm the settings and in the sixth one you will start the process.

The user interface is very easy to understand and I think that nobody will have any problems in using this program.

Pluses: It is free and very easy to use.

Drawbacks / flaws: It has to few features.

In conclusion: Maybe in the next version it will bring some more features. Till then I will rather use Windows Paint.

version reviewed: 3.0.6

Picture Resizer Publisher's Description

TPD Picture Resizer Pro Description:

TPD Picture Resizer puts you in command of your pictures! Resize those images all at once, or one by one, allowing you to send those images to family and friends with ease. With TPD Picture Resizer you can make your images smaller or larger (if you have small images), change picture dpi for higher quality prints,...

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What's New in Version 3.3.0 of Picture Resizer

Version 3.3.0 fixes a bug that users were getting when opening the program. Also, I changed the

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